Here in Toronto, there’s (unsurprisingly) snow on the ground. It continues to fall softly but surely, flake after flake, bit after bit. And as it accumulates on rooftops, on top of cars, it is persistent in a steady flow.
You can look outside and see that at one point in time, there was just a little bit of snow on the ground. As your day goes on and you look outside again, suddenly there are 10 centimetres on the ground. It reminded me of the same persistence of Harriet Tubman who freed thousands of slaves. Not only did she have to find and make her way to freedom, but she went back to do it over and over again for each individual.
I sometimes wonder how she did it. I wonder what possessed, motivated and fuelled her to continue to persist when many probably denied her. In fact, many probably questioned what freedom even was, and probably said they were fine right where they were. Maybe many were too scared to leave and would rather suffer than take a chance for something greater.
I used to think that if African-American women were allowed to go to school at that time, she would have excelled in sales. Harriet Tubman had to have been so savvy and persuasive to convince each person to take a literal step towards their freedom.
I really believe we’re all salespeople in our own ways. Every day you’re selling yourself, meeting new people, or revealing who you are - whether there’s something you want from someone else, or something you need to achieve. Oftentimes, it’s tough to be told ‘no’. That someone is not buying what you’re selling. What do you do when what you’re selling is a benefit to someone but they can't see it?
I have a few clients in sales I often ask, “What would you do if you had the cure for cancer in a bottle?
Most people would say, “Well I’d give it to as many people as I could,” to which I’d say, “Would you really just walk around and give it out?”
Some say they’d give it to the hospitals. Some to those in clinics, desperate and in need.
But I question my clients. "Do you think others will actually drink out of this bottle if you told them what was in it? Do you think they would believe you?"
Really think about that right now.
I highly doubt that if you or I just walked into a hospital or cancer ward - and presented the cure for cancer - that we would be received well. I have this funny feeling that not everyone would jump on it.
In this particular case, our efforts to cure them might be futile. Just like some of Harriet’s efforts to free so many might have been futile. See, each of us has a message, piece of knowledge, or an experience to share that can cure, free or save somebody else. Hopefully we’re going through our life giving out that message.
I know what it feels like to have people not buy your message. Sometimes people won't listen. I know that sometimes they will ridicule or persecute you. So what do you do? Well, if you stop, every single person will suffer. But if you keep going, maybe 20, or maybe just 10, will take that step – that leap of faith – and take a drink. Maybe if you keep on pressing on you will save those who are enslaved. You will open their eyes and help them realize who they are and what deserve. So keep on selling. Keep on pushing. Keep on going back. Even if they don’t know it, they need you. Don’t give up on it.
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